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Module 3: FOCUS

  • 6 Steps


Power. Identity. Patterns. Self-Confidence. Shine-your-light. Rhythm. Action. This Level represents the 3rd note on the music scale & often sits with the Root Note to create harmony. The 3rd note is imperative as it determines whether the Scale & Chord is Major or Minor (happy / sad) shaping the entire mood of the song. This Level translates into Personal Power. Know thyself. Take the lead. We explore Power, Identity, Authority, Discipline, Determinations, Self-Confidence, & Taking Action ! It's great to have a Vision yet if we don't put it into ACTION in the right moment & know when to leap (even if it scares us) we can miss the mark. It isn't about being indestructible, it's about being brave enough to lean in & go beyond what we've known to get what we want. ________________________________________________________________ LIFE: • What is your Kryptonite & Superpower & how can they work together?! • How can you get into a better RHYTHM with your life? This month master your Scheduling • Begin defining your audience. What is your Culture add / Genius Code? (niche down) • Choose a date to ACT on your music in some way & chunk down steps to lead to this moment ________________________________________________________________ MUSIC: • Build your rhythmic foundation - Master beat creation, the backbone of any groove • Exploring more effects • How can you really SHINE musically this month & take RADICAL ACTION in a direction you've been wanting? What would that look like & what would it take? ________________________________________________________________ ACTION: • Craft your target audience profile - Understand your ideal fan and tailor your communication and marketing efforts to reach them.

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