Let's go!
I'm so excited about making this year our best yet and for the world to HEAR YOUR VOICE!
First 3 Monday's in February: 3rd, 10th, 17th
YES there are replays available. YES we have a private group to have me in your corner & ask questions.
6:30pm AEST (Brisbane)
3:30pm PST
5:30pm CST
11:30pm UK
Your 1 on 1 in February to get you ON TRACK!
1 X Voice Alive 2025 playbookAccess to 2025 Frequency Activation Meditation
2025 Frequency Playlist
3 part Masterclass series on how to bring your Unique Voice out to the world through Tech, Tools, Socials, Confidence, the whole shabam!
You get FREE ACCESS to my online self-paced Throat Chakra Course Module with powerful tutorials on activating your Throat Chakra, including;
Pelvic Floor and Jaw​
Dragon's Breath
Speak Your Truth through the body
Vowels, Consonants, Vibrato
Space Setting
"How to have difficult conversations"
Why it matters now...
The world is changing—and you’re part of that change.
This is the year to stop hiding, start sharing, and bring your unique frequency to the world. Your voice isn’t just yours;
it’s the instrument of your vision and the key to your success.
So, are you ready to make 2025 the year your voice comes alive?