All songs and melodies are comprised of note patterns.
These notes can either be right next to each other - or - have a gap between them. When they are right next to each other it's a STEP. Steps put together form SCALES. When there is a gap between them it's a SKIP or JUMP. Skips puts together form ARPEGGIOS.
In this Beginner Video your job is simply to get used to the feeling and difference between steps and skips. It's also a good chance to sharpen your vocal agility and get your voice to practice landing on the right notes.
Once you become confident at STEPS and SKIPS you will have better pitch control & find songs easier to master.
When we move into more advanced versions of these exercises you'll do greater JUMPS / SKIPS and you'll try different types of Scales (which create a different FEELING & give songs their SOUND).
Have a go at this tutorial, make it fun, have a giggle at yourself,
and happy singing!