Each quadrant of your Breath has a 3 part journey within itself.
By honing in on these parts we can connect DEEPER with what our body is communicating to us in every moment. Being aware of these parts can bring us more joy & precision to our Singing & Sounding.
I love breath work however I must be in the right space. I had reluctance to go outside and do this exercise, an hour latter I was still meditating in the Sun with jumper off and pants rolled up. I'm good at 3 sides however the part where we hold breath and I can hold for 3 minutes normally, if I let my breath totally out and not hold back on the 4 count I started getting anxious sort of. More shadow work me thinks.
What is notice with my breath is in tense situations i tend to hold it, i have done a lot of work around allowing myself the space to feel safe to breath when I’m having big emotions. I will definitely spend more time noticing over the coming weeks.